Asians for Humans, Animals & Nature

Dave Scott is the only six-time Triathlon champion, and an outspoken proponent of vegetarianism. He's in good company. Throughout history, people seeking optimal health and performance while avoiding cruelty to animals have chosen not to eat meat. They include some of the greatest geniuses of all time, from Socrates and Da Vinci to Charles Darwin and Albert Schweitzer. And some of today's most recognize-able personalities: Brad Pitt, Pamela Anderson, Steven Jobs, Hank Aaron, Paul McCartney and many more. There are compelling health, environmental and ethical reasons not to eat flesh-based products-and a multi-billion dollar global meat industry determined to make sure you do.

10 things the meat industry doesn't want you to know...

1. Meat can damage your health. 65% of all diseases in the U.S. are diet- related-diseases or conditions that can be prevented, improved or sometimes cured by a low-fat diet free from animal products. They include several cancers, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, hyper-tension, obesity, impotence and strokes

2. Meat increases your cancer risk.
Fully 40% of all cancers are diet related. Men who consume meat and dairy products are three times more likely to die of prostate cancer. Women who eat large quantities of meat, eggs, butter and cheese increase their risk of breast cancer (Source: Earth Save Foundation)

3. Meat poisoning is very common. When you eat meat, you're supporting an industry that warehouses and inhumanely slaughters millions of animals, often in unsanitary conditions. Salmonella poisoning kills an estimated 1,000 Americans and causes 1.4 million illnesses each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Three-fourths of federal poultry inspectors said they do not eat chicken "because a third of all chickens (13% of turkeys) show salmonella bacteria."

4. Less meat means less hunger. While 20 million people will die this year of mal- nutrition and starvation, 70% of the total U.S. grain supply is consumed by livestock. Americans consume 236 pounds of meat per year (cf. 10 pounds in Japan).* If we eat even 10% less meat, 225 million people can be fed with the land, water and energy now used to produce livestock.

5. We don't need meat for protein. Only 4.5%-8% of daily calories should come from protein, according to the World Health Organization. Protein is found in tasty soy burgers, bacon, sausage, etc. from Morning Star, Yves and other brands in supermarkets and many restaurants. Add lentils and garbanzo beans for essential amino acids. You can also get protein from vegetables and grains:

6. Antibiotics overload. More than half the antibiotics in the U.S. are routinely fed to livestock. In the last 30 years, staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin increased from 10% to 91%, due mainly to the breeding of resistant bacteria in factory farms.

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