Petition to Stop Saint Bernard Breeding for Meat Consumption in China

We the undersigned, urge the government of China to stop the captive breeding of dogs and cats for food consumption, especially of the Saint Bernard breed. Saint Bernards are known worldwide for their kind personality and superior search and rescue skills. In the 20th century, not one modernized nation is barbaric enough to use dog and cat meat as a way of making a living. Dogs and cats are truly valued companions to people that have compassion. Nowadays, all modernized nations have laws protecting animals, and China needs to help stop animal cruelty and issue animal protection laws as well.

狗和貓一直是人類最忠心的夥伴, 尤其是聖伯納狗更是救過

, 而以救難揚名世界. 在這二十世紀時代, 任何
. 中國應該像其他
(動物保護法) 宣傳人類慈悲為壞的愛心.


*Please return completed petition to: AHAN 3739 Balboa St. Suite 228  San Francisco  CA94121

You may also reach us at 415.221.5733 ext. 3 or fax us the petition at 415.379.9938
如果您想與我們聯繫, 可以致電到 415.221.5733 中文再按 9, 或者可以把表格傳真到415.379.9938

AHAN deeply appreciates your help!
亞洲保護人類 動物 大自然慈善機構非常感謝您的幫助!